Mrs Kirsty Early

Room Three - Tui
Mrs Kirsty Early
Room Three is Year level 0 - 2
Kirsty has over 20 years teaching experience, mainly at New Entrant, Year 1 and 2 level. She has also taught in the U.K.
She is passionate about making learning fun and enjoyable. She accepts and embraces diversity, creating opportunities for individuals to strive to be successful.
She is a strong believer in building positive relationships and developing a love of learning. She recognises the importance of providing a Structured Literacy (IMSLE trained) and multi-sensory Maths programme within her classroom. Kirsty has high expectations of her learners, her classroom programme and her learning environment.
Kirsty’s teaching style challenges children to become active learners through integrating curriculum to develop creative thinking, independence, problem solving and social and emotional skills and well-being.
Outside of school Kirsty enjoys spending time with family and friends. She loves playing netball and golf and also enjoys running and mountain biking.