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After School care runs from 3pm to 5pm, Monday to Thursday, during term time. 


The cost is $10 up to 4pm and $15 up to 5pm. There is a 25% discount for families with more than one child attending. 


Parents need to have contacted the school office at least one day in advance in order for their child to attend. This is down to organisation of staff. Where possible we will look to accommodate late bookings.
If plans change there will be a messenger group you can contact, or you can email Greg. 
All students need an enrolment form signed, to be able to attend. 
Parents are able to collect their child at any time, but no later than 5pm. 


We ask that you send your child with extra food, for afternoon tea. 


School Busses
These will not be available for dropping off students attending the after school service. 


Afternoon Structure
After school care is not a designated programme. The afternoon structure may vary, but will generally involve students having something to eat, before doing independent activities or playing outside. 
The activities are designed to keep students safe, engaged, active and happy, until they are collected. 


We will employ a maximum adult to child ratio of 1:10, with a second adult always on site. 
All supervisors will be police vetted. 
For the most part, children will remain in sight of an adult at all times. 

The base for our after school service is the hall. Parents must sign out their child. If you are picking up other children, the adults in charge of after school care must be notified of this from the child’s parent. 


Invoices will be emailed fortnightly. We ask that you pay these promptly. 

School Values
Students and staff are expected to adhere to the school values at all times, during our after school service. 


Messenger Group
We will have a messenger group set up for families, where you can let us know if plans change, and if needed inform us of anything we may need to know. For more sensitive private information we suggest emailing Greg.


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